Refresher Courses

Refresher Courses

A driving assessment may recommend some refresher driver Courses , or you may just decide you’d like some yourself. There are a range of options are :- 1.Short assessment drives. 2.Courses for truck drivers or people who have not driven for a long time. 3.Courses on specific skills, such as backing, driving on the road or parking. 4.Courses for those students who passed class 1 and class 3 and who have not driven for a long time.. 5.Driver development training (often provided by employers). 6.Advanced driver training and tests. 7.At the very least, read the latest edition of The Highway driver Act. Refresher driver training courses usually involve one or more sessions in truck with an instructor, on roads near where you live, or types of roads (such as highway and city) on which you want more help. The instructor will provide advice and tips on how to improve your driving, and help you practice. Drivers that need refresher training, more practical hands-on experience, or would like to get back into long haul driving should leverage our Refresher Training and improve their truck driving experience.